Schools play a major role in our communities and states. Most people chose a home based on the desired school district. In the past that was the only way to "choose" your child's school. Today, we have many school choice options and certain districts will allow the public education funds to follow your child to the school that best fits their needs.
So how do you determine a schools ability to meet your child's needs? How do you know how one school measures up against others in the same or surrounding counties? While there are several resources on the web, one of the best resources is the school's College & Career Readiness Performance Index score (CCRPI). This yearly report gives parents, school leaders and community leaders a look at how the local schools are performing. The score is based on the schools performance in 5 key areas and scored on a scale of 0-100: Content Mastery, Performance, Closing Gaps, Readiness and Graduation Rate
Content Mastery focuses on test scores from ELA, Math, Science & Social Studies. It looks to see if the students are understanding and mastering the state standards and are the preparing for the next grade level, college or career. .
Progress looks at the Individual students growth as It compares with academically similar students across the state level.
Closing Gaps considers sub groups of students - those that are economically disadvantaged, students with disabilities and english learners. It seeks to insure that schools are serving and helping their students to grow.
Readiness is concerned with the opportunities a given school is offering to their students In areas of literacy and activities beyond the core academics.
The Graduation Rate (high school only) looks at the number of students who are graduating with a regular diploma each year.